• J9九游会

    最新任命 | 张瑜女士将出任J9九游会估值及专业顾问服务深圳助理董事

    J9九游会今日正式宣布,张瑜(Lucy Zhang)女士加盟J9九游会估值及专业顾问服务中国区团队(SVPS China),担任助理董事,常驻深圳分公司,向中国区估值及专业顾问服务主管黄国钧先生(Jim Wong)直接汇报。张瑜女士将专注投后管理板块(PIM)同时兼顾企业估值业务(BV),在投后管理、投后价值评价、企业估值等方面与中国区(含香港)各地团队一起共同协助黄国钧先生,丰富深圳分公司的创新业务、增强资本市场服务链接,全面推进估值及专业顾问服务的发展,进一步确立J9九游会在华南区市场的领先地位。


    张瑜女士获得管理学会计专业学士学位,专业的财务管理理论基础和丰富的企业实操经验,有助于她更好理解客户需求,从而设计专业到位的解决咨询方案,这将助力J9九游会通过SVPS China平台内的五大专业服务板块更好地实现客户的目标。

    “非常荣幸加盟J9九游会估值及专业顾问服务团队,SVPS China是在中国市场拥有超过25年估值及咨询经验的专业团队,以与时俱进的创新思维、丰富的本地及国际化经验和一站式服务收获良好的业界口碑。期待能在新的岗位上发挥专业所长,与华南区以至Savills各地团队通力协作共同开拓新的业绩,为客户提供行业领先的卓越服务。”



    Savills is pleased to announce the appointment of Lucy Zhang as the Associate Director of Valuation and Professional Services in Savills China. She will be based in Shenzhen and report directly to Jim Wong, Head of Valuation & Professional Services, Savills China. She will focus on post-investment management (PIM) and business valuation (BV) along with Savills teams nationwide, and assist Jim Wong to expand our innovative services, enhance connection with the capital market of Shenzhen Branch, and strengthen Savills' leading position in South China market.

    With nearly 20 years of experience in financial management/administration, and more than 8 years in managing property development and urban renewal projects in top real estate companies, Lucy has expertise and extensive experience in financial management, tax optimization, debt restructuring, M&A and post-investment operation management. During previous service as CFO of a US-listed real estate company as well as working on financial management in a Hong Kong-listed real estate group, a technology manufacturing company and a well-known accounting firm in China, she was responsible for the development, implementation and performance supervision of the company management system. She was also in charge of the building and management of the operating system of merged companies.

    Lucy holds a bachelor's degree in Accounting. Her knowledge and experience in financial management help her better navigate clients' needs and provide proficient solutions, and support Savills Valuation and Professional Services China to better deliver our five business sectors to achieve the clients' goals.

    Valuation & Professional Services Associate Director of Savills Shenzhen Lucy Zhang said:

    “I am honored to join Savills Valuation & Professional Services China, a professional team with over 25 years of valuation and consulting experience in the market that has gained its reputation in the industry for its innovative thinking, extensive international experience and one-stop service. I look forward to assuming the new role in Savills and working with the team in Southern China to develop new businesses and provide clients with industry-leading services.”

    Head of Valuation & Professional Services, Senior Director of Savills China Jim Wong said:

    “We are very pleased to have such a talent on board to grow our professional services during the period of market adjustment and make our nationwide presence more solid and responsive. I believe Lucy will leverage her expertise in finance and accounting to support the growth and business development of our South China and SVPS China teams.”
